CMRA Teams Up With Rock Bridge Elementary for ISS Contact

Students from Rock Bridge Elementary School, Columbia, MO, made contact with the International Space Station (ISS) with help from CMRA on Wednesday, March 5, 2014, at 1400 UTC or 0800 CST. Several club members reported hearing portions of the astronaut’s transmissions on 145.800 MHz. as the station flew overhead.

A great deal of work and planning went into the event. Its success reflects the good job done by everyone involved. View an article written by Bill, N0AXZ, when you click here.

The event received favorable local press coverage as well. The Columbia Tribune featured an article entitled “Rock Bridge students talk to astronaut on International Space Station” which you can see when you click here. KOMU-TV covered the event as well, with an online story you can see when you click here.

Sarah Hill of Veterans United did a live broadcast on YouTube the morning of the contact, which you can view below.